Is BIS Registration Mandatory for all Products | Exempted Products

Exempted Products Under BIS Registration

In today's global market, ensuring product quality and safety is essential. Governments worldwide implement various regulations to safeguard consumers and maintain product standards.

In India, one such regulation is the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Registration, which aims to ensure the quality, safety, and reliability of products sold in the country.

However, there is often confusion regarding whether BIS Registration is mandatory for all products or if certain products are exempted. Let's delve deeper into this topic to gain a better understanding.


About Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Registration

BIS Registration involves obtaining a license from the Bureau of Indian Standards for certain products that adhere to the relevant Indian Standards. Established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016, the Bureau of Indian Standards serves as the National Standards Body of India and operates under the purview of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Government of India.

Manufacturers seeking to certify their products under BIS schemes must obtain licenses from the Bureau of Indian Standards. Upon receiving this registration, manufacturers are authorized to display the standard mark on their products, signifying compliance with Indian standards and assuring consumers of quality and safety.

The Indian government mandates certain products to undergo the BIS Registration process to safeguard the environment and ensure consumer protection. This registration is crucial for electronic and IT products, as these fall under the ambit of the Compulsory Registration Scheme, necessitating compliance with BIS standards to enter the Indian market.


Compulsory Registration Scheme Under BIS

The Compulsory Registration Scheme introduced jointly by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) and the Bureau of Indian Standards in 2012 serves as a pivotal mechanism aimed at safeguarding Indian consumers against counterfeit and substandard goods, particularly within the realm of electronic and IT products. Under the ambit of the BIS CRS scheme, it is mandatory for manufacturers to obtain BIS Registration before launching their electronic and IT products into the market.

This scheme is reinforced by Compulsory Registration Orders issued by the Ministry, stipulating that goods failing to meet Indian standards as outlined in the order and lacking the Standard Mark with a unique registration number shall not be manufactured, stored for sale, sold, imported, or distributed. The Bureau of Indian Standards administers the Compulsory Registration Scheme by issuing BIS CRS Registration certificates to manufacturers, enabling them to affix IS mark with a unique registration number on their electronic and IT products.

The process of this registration hinges on a manufacturer's self-declaration of conformity to Indian Standards for their goods and articles. By obtaining BIS Registration Certificate, manufacturers provide consumers with third-party assurance that their products comply with requisite quality standards mandated by law and are deemed safe for use.

The operation of BIS CRS Registration for electronic products is governed by the conformity assessment scheme delineated in Scheme II of Schedule II of the BIS (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018. This comprehensive regulatory framework ensures that electronic and IT products adhere to stringent quality and safety standards, bolstering consumer confidence and fostering a marketplace characterized by reliability and trustworthiness.


What is the Necessity of BIS Registration in India?

BIS Registration in India serves as a crucial mechanism for ensuring the quality, safety, and reliability of products available in the market. Its necessity stems from several key factors:

  • It is a legal requirement for certain products, as mandated by Indian regulations. Non-compliance can lead to penalties and legal consequences for manufacturers.
  • It safeguards consumers against substandard and counterfeit products, ensuring that they receive goods that meet established quality standards.
  • It facilitates market access for manufacturers, enabling them to sell their products in India's vast and competitive marketplace.
  • It enhances a manufacturer's reputation by demonstrating a commitment to quality and compliance with Indian standards.
  • It signifies that products have undergone rigorous testing and assessment to ensure their safety for consumers, thereby reducing the risk of accidents or harm.
  • It sets a benchmark for product quality, encouraging continuous improvement and innovation among manufacturers to meet or exceed these standards.

Which Products Require BIS Registration?

Various IT and electronic products fall under the BIS registration, necessitating manufacturers to obtain BIS certification before launching them into the Indian market. These products cover a wide array of consumer electronics, electrical appliances, and information technology devices that are integral to modern living.

From smartphones and laptops to televisions and household appliances, BIS CRS registration is imperative to ensure that these products meet the stringent quality and safety standards mandated by Indian regulations. Moreover, as technology continues to advance and new products enter the market, the scope of this registration may evolve to encompass emerging technologies and innovative devices.

For a comprehensive list of products requiring BIS Registration, please click here.


What are the Conditions for Exempting Products from BIS Registration?

Products covered under the BIS Compulsory Registration Scheme may be exempted from BIS certification if they meet specific criteria. If a manufacturer or importer produces goods listed under the BIS Compulsory Registration Scheme and their products satisfy at least one of the following conditions:

  • Equipment powered by a three-phase power supply
  • Equipment powered by a single-phase power supply with a current rating exceeding 16 Amperes
  • Equipment with dimensions exceeding 1.5 meters x 0.8 meters
  • Equipment with a weight exceeding 80 kilograms and a total import or manufacturing quantity of less than 100 units per year

Then, BIS Registration will not apply to their product. For instance, if a manufacturer imports a 65-inch LED TV with dimensions exceeding 1.5 meters x 0.8 meters, and the import quantity is less than 100 units per year, this registration will not be required for this product.

In such cases, the manufacturer or importer is only required to provide a "Self Declaration" letter to customs for clearance. This exemption enables small-scale importers or manufacturers of certain products to navigate customs procedures more efficiently while still maintaining compliance with relevant regulations.


How can Manufacturers Obtain BIS CRS Registration?

Manufacturers seeking to obtain BIS CRS Registration for their products must follow a systematic process:

Step 1: Prepare all necessary documentation required for the registration process, including technical specifications, test reports, manufacturing details, and other relevant documents.

Step 2: Submit the products to BIS-approved testing laboratories for evaluation.

Step 3: Complete the registration application form available on the BIS website.

Step 4: Pay the requisite registration fees as specified by BIS.

Step 5: BIS may conduct an evaluation and inspection of the manufacturing facilities to ensure compliance with standards and regulations.

Step 6: Upon successful evaluation and compliance, BIS will issue a registration certificate to the manufacturer.



As manufacturers strive to meet these standards, partnering with a reliable company, Brand Liaison, can significantly streamline the BIS Registration process, making it easier and quicker to obtain the necessary certifications.

Our team of experts offers invaluable expertise, guidance, and support throughout the registration journey, helping businesses navigate regulatory requirements efficiently and effectively.

By leveraging our services, businesses can expedite the registration process, enhance market access, and demonstrate their commitment to delivering quality products to consumers in India.


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