BIS Certification Consultant In India | Brand Liaison

BIS Certification Consultant in India | Brand Liaison

In today's globalized market, gaining access to new and emerging markets can be crucial for businesses. However, navigating the complex regulatory landscape of these markets can be a daunting task. This is particularly true in India, where the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) plays a vital role in ensuring the quality and safety of products sold within its borders.

BIS Certification

The national certification program for goods is among the largest in the country. Under the BIS Certification, acquiring licenses is necessary to affix the familiar ISI mark denoting quality on product labels. Recent Ministry guidelines stipulate that 90 items are mandatory for BIS registration. BIS maintains a validation system, particularly for international manufacturers, requiring overseas factories to adhere to BIS standards.

BIS Certification India Scheme

The BIS (Bureau ofIndian Standards) Certification is a conformity assessment scheme implemented by the Indian government through the BIS. The scheme involves certification processes where products undergo testing and assessment based on Indian standards set by the BIS. Once a product meets these standards, it receives the BIS certification mark.

Types of BIS Certification Scheme

  • BIS Compulsory Registration Scheme: This scheme mandates certain electronic and IT goods to meet specified safety standards before their sale in India.
  • ISI Mark Registration scheme: The ISI mark registration is a process that allows manufacturers in India to obtain the ISI mark for their products. The ISI mark is a certification mark that indicates that a product meets the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) requirements.
  • Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme: It Allows foreign manufacturers to apply for BIS certification to sell their products in India. This ensures that imported goods meet Indian quality standards.

Who Can Apply for BIS certification in India?

  •        Manufacturers/Producers: Any manufacturer/producer, whether located in India or abroad, can apply for BIS certification for their products.
  •       Importers: Importers can apply for BIS certification for imported products on behalf of the foreign manufacturer.
  •       Authorized Indian Representatives (AIRs): Foreign manufacturers can appoint an AIR in India to handle the BIS certification process on their behalf.

Benefits of BIS Certification for Manufacturing Units

BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) certification offers several benefits for manufacturing units:

  •  Market Access and Compliance: Access to Indian Market: BIS certification is often a prerequisite for selling products in India. It ensures compliance with Indian standards, allowing entry into the market.
  •  Quality Assurance: Enhanced Product Quality: BIS certification ensures adherence to quality standards, leading to improved product quality and reliability.
  •  Global Recognition: BIS certification can aid in global market access and recognition, showcasing compliance with quality standards.

BrandLiaison offers prompt and reliable BIS Certification services, along with a wide range of compliance solutions, to help manufacturers navigate the Indian market successfully. 


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