What is the Process of WPC/ETA Approval?

Ensuring these devices' smooth functioning and compatibility is paramount in a world that relies heavily on wireless technology and electronic devices.

The Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) Wing of the Ministry of Communications, Government of India, plays a vital role in this approval. One of the key functions of the WPC is to grant Equipment Type Approval (ETA), a crucial step in ensuring the quality and legality of electronic devices in the Indian market.

In this blog, we will delve into the WPC/ETA approval process, shedding light on the steps involved and their significance.

What is WPC/ETA Approval?

WPC/ETA Approval is a certification issued by the WPC Wing, indicating that a specific type of wireless equipment or electronic device complies with the necessary technical standards and regulations mandated by the Indian government.

This approval is required to legally manufacture, import, sell, or use such equipment within India.

Significance of WPC/ETA Approval

WPC/ETA Approval serves several important purposes:

  • Quality Assurance
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Spectrum Management
  • Market Access
  • Process of WPC/ETA Approval

The process of obtaining a WPC certificate can be divided into several key steps:

  1. Application Submission
  2. Scrutiny and Document Verification
  3. Testing and Evaluation
  4. Frequency Allocation
  5. Approval Grant
  6. Required Documents for WPC/ETA Approval

To navigate the process effectively, you need to provide the following essential documents during the application:

  • Duly filled application form
  • Technical specifications of the equipment
  • Endorsement certificate from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for certain categories
  • Test reports from accredited laboratories
  • Authorization letter if an authorized agent is submitting the application
  • Importer code, if applicable
  • Other specific documents as per the equipment category
  • Eligibility Conditions for WPC Certificate
  • Here are the eligibility conditions for applying for WPC Certification:
  • Importers and manufacturers
  • Authorization letter for authorized representatives
  • Frequency test results
  • Reports from ISO-accredited labs
  • Specifications for de-licensed frequency bands
  • Technical data sheets
  • An authorization-cum-agreement letter for foreign manufacturers


In conclusion, obtaining WPC certification is vital in ensuring that wireless equipment and electronic devices meet the necessary standards for quality, safety, and regulatory compliance in India.

The process of this approval can be intricate and demanding. However, with the proper guidance and support, it becomes a smooth journey toward compliance and market readiness.

At Brand Liaison, we take pride in being your dedicated compliance consultant, assisting you throughout the WPC/ETA Approval process.

Our mission is to simplify the complexities, decode the regulations, and ensure that your electronic devices and wireless equipment meet the stringent standards set by the Indian government.

Let us guide you through the maze of regulations, from eligibility conditions to compliance certification. Choose Brand Liaison, your compliance companion, and let's navigate the path to success together.

Get Free Consultant from our Experts;

contact us: 8130615678

Email: dm002.bl@gmail.com

Posted by: Tannu Jain

Website: www.bl-india.com


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